Meet an Indie Agency: TDA_Boulder

Keeping it Rocky Mountain awesome.

One would think that starting an agency in 1989 leads to some interesting stories. But, that’s scratching the surface for Jonathan Schoenberg, TDA_Boulder, who joined the shop in 1998 as a partner. Starting as a secretary at Wells Rich Greene to Mad Dogs and Englishmen and then to the Rockies of Boulder, Colorado.

“Schoenie” chopped it up with us about how the agency has changed—and how the Boulder market, initially a hinderance, became a definite advantage. It started with a fine line of categories (hello, outdoors), but has since grown into a respected, dare we say, institution anchoring great creativity in Colorado.

And we’re blushing a little bit—as Schoenie gave us and a few other some props for keeping the indie flame burning bright. It’s a conversation that’s never going away and we’re glad he’s part of it.

Watch the interview

Agency Stats

  • Founded: 1989
  • Location: Boulder, CO

Best-known for

Geography, funny enough. But there’s real strength in being in a place like Boulder that fosters a creative mindset and an opportunity to work on unique brands. A 15-year-strong media department is a huge plus and TDA places a premium on deeply strategic creativity.

Why the agency loves being indie

Making sound financial decisions that are mutually beneficial for TDA and clients are huge plusses. Short term decisions that are beneficial in the long run gives TDA_Boulder the flexibility to thrive as an independent agency and one with loyal partners. Another pro of being indie is the sense of camaraderie between other indie agencies where a sense of community and support is collectively shared. 

Why brands should work with this agency

A deep sense of care for their craft. Plus, they care a lot about not just the work, but client growth through great creativity,. TDA consistently approaches their work and their clients with a vision of success, which is reflected in their genuine care and investment in every project. They also push their partners to think bigger and care more than ever.

Why talent should put this agency on their list

Patience and skill development are the big things. The agency’s commitment to quality work, supported by clients who share the same dedication, forms a significant appeal for talent seeking an environment that prioritizes creativity and meaningful output, all within a supportive and generous workplace culture.

Marketer shout out

“There are tons of CMO’s that we work with that I adore and tons of CMO’s I’d like to work with, but if I was going to take the moment to say thanks, it’s really to those two people and what you’re doing here.”

Jonathan Schoenberg

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