Of Butt Fumbles and Heist Movies: Tim Leake’s Random Q

Tim Leake has seen a lot over the years. As the former RPA CMO and current consultant (he does an excellent workshop for leaders, by the way), there’s a lot of wisdom and experience. 

This worldliness may explain why his answers for this episode of Random Q were perhaps a bit surprising. OK, maybe we mean one of the questions judged by Bennett Bennett

The movie genre question? Tim had a very good answer and rationale. Who doesn’t love a good heist movie? The best food in LA? We may need to switch that one up for future shows. 

The third question, the best campaign he worked on, was surprising. Tim had a front-row seat to some of the best advertising in the biz. Yet, he chose a Tier 2 automotive campaign at Saatchi. 

And we were a little shocked that he worked with former Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez and knew nothing about his infamous “butt fumble.” 

Regardless, it was a fantastic ride, and Tim kept the spirit of Random Q alive and well. 

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