A.I. Won’t Kill You Agency. Here’s Why

Hype cycle aside, there's much more to the story

So much noise. So much chatter. So many “experts” portending the demise of everything in advertising because of A.I.

Yeah, that’s not exactly right—or even close.

Sure, A.I. is the hot topic, but the hype cycle is dying down, and we’re getting into real conversation about the technology’s potential.

Nilesh Ashra has been at the forefront of AI throughout his academic and professional career. He sees where it’s all trending and shares his POV on why it won’t kill your agency.

We go from broad to specific, including conversations on creative output, mediocrity, and what was happening at agencies before A.I. landed on everyone’s doorstep.

Plus, Nilesh shares his predictions about A.I. and agencies—and there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic despite strong headwinds.

Learn more

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